Prof.Dr. Abdullah Thamir

Welcome to the College of Pharmacy at Al-Kitab University.

I would like to express how happy I am to represent the College of Pharmacy at Al-Kitab University. I received the Deanship in the eleventh month of 2021-2022. The college was in the process of moving to the new building of the College of Pharmacy, and in cooperation with the leadership and teaching staff, we worked to provide the requirements of theoretical and practical teaching for all stages,This year will be better than the previous year, as we will continue from the beginning. Teaching staff weekly and following up on giving lectures to students with the use of approved illustrations for these subjects. The requirements of the first four scientific experiments have been prepared from now on. We are making collective efforts to overcome the obstacles that appear during the academic year, and the Presidency of the University provides support to the College in various scientific aspects…. We ask God for success in our administrative and scientific tasks, and to be in the first ranks among the private universities, and the graduates will have a good scientific level when they practice the profession of pharmacy and be compassionate to patients.

The department provides students with a qualitative education and information which will in turn complement the skills of serious thinking, problem solving and pharmaceutical leadership skills.

The pharmaceutical research in the clinical sciences, the community service and its transfer to health care are the priorities and objectives of the department.

The department provides students with a qualitative education and information which will in turn complement the skills of serious thinking, problem solving and pharmaceutical leadership skills.

The pharmaceutical research in the clinical sciences, the community service and its transfer to health care are the priorities and objectives of the department. 

  1. Focusing on developing the field of scientific research in our college and in cooperation with other leading centers and institutions in this field.
  2. Endeavoring to build a solid brick and a good reputation for the college by enriching students with a high-quality educational level integrated in theory and practice.
Number of Students
Number of Students
Alumni Numbers



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Academic Year 2020-2021